Agjencioni për financim në Kosovë
Misioni i AFK-së është që të përmirësoj kushtet e jetesës në Kosovë,
duke u ofruar shërbime të qëndrueshme financiare ndërmarrjeve
të vogla dhe mikrondërmarrjeve.
The business loan product is designated for micro enterprises and small enterprises/private entrepreneurs who are involved in various services...
Read moreThe agricultural loan is available to micro farmers and small farmers, as well as those engaged in agricultural business (planting, dairy producers...
Read moreCredit product for women entrepreneurs is designated for micro enterprises and small enterprises...
Read moreThis loan product is intended for customers who have a good salary from stable work or active business, and who need quick access to small, short-term...
Read moreThis credit product is defined for customers who have a salary from stable work or active business, in order to finance projects and / or project...
Read moreThis credit product is intended for customers who have regular income from stable work or active business, in order to register...
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